I recently (not actually recent, but right in the middle of my blog hiatus) attended a comedy show at Miyagi's on Sunset. If you're from Los Angeles, you might recognize Miyagi's everybody goes when they first come to town. Some move on because they realize being on the Strip sucks. And some move on because they realize there are more shallow places farther down the Strip. And some don't go anywhere.
Anyway, it's a comedy night. Allegedly, at least. Next to the stage is "Honest John", who turns out to be about 60, with gray hair and big, bushy gray beard. Oh, he talked like Eminem. Now, this was confusing to me, since the only white people I know that talk this way are my age or younger and grew up listening to hip hop. I know white hipsters in the old days would say "cat" and whatnot, but I can't imagine any white people in the '70s talking like John Shaft, no matter how much they loved Funkadelic. So, at some point in the last 15 years, "Honest John" said to himself, "You know, I think I'm going to start talking black. F'real. Yeahhhh, boyyyyyy!"
So "Honest John" is doing his set, and in his defense, he is pretty honest. For instance, he never once hid his desires to "Fuck some pussy." And if he brought up a particular subject, like Kobe Bryant, say, whereas a less honest person would say, 'Well, you know, he plays hard.", "Honest John" came right at you with, "Mannnnn, fuck Kobe. I ain't playin' either!"
But the clear highlight of the night for me was when this girl behind me said, with complete joyful amazement, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Damn, this motherfucker's dirty!" It was the only thing I laughed at all set.