Greetings, sportsfans! Bumpers here. June has sprung and summer is almost here! The Showman’s mojo start working overtime in the summer heat, what with all those short shorts and tight little t-shirts the dames like to wear these days.
You know, when I realized today was June 1, I got to thinking. I sure have slept with a lot of women named June in my day. Let me see if I can remember them all.
1.June Ainley 2.June Allen 3.June Allyson 4.June Anderson 5.June Angela 6.June Archer 7.June Ashley 8.June Bardsley 9.June Barr 10.June Barret 11.June Barrett 12.June Barrie 13.June Barry 14.June Benbow 15.June Marie Bennett 16.June Bennett 17.June Berry *(only third base)
18.June Bishop 19.June Black 20.June Blackman 21.June Blair 22.June Bolton 23.June Bolyn
24.June Booth 25.June Borel 26.June Boykins 27.June Brewster 28.June Bright 29.June Brogan
30.June Bronhill 31.June Brooks 32.June Broughton 33.June Brown 34.June Bryde 35.June Bupp 36.Vinnie Burns (aka june daye) 37.Vinnie Burns (aka june daye) 38.June Burt 39.June Buthelezi 40.June Byford 41.June Byron 42.June Cai 43.June Caprice 44.June Carlson 45.June Carlsson (I) 46.June Carr (I) 47.June Carroll 48.June Carter (II) 49.June Carter (III) 50.June Carter Cash 51.June Cate 52.June Chadwick 53.June Chandler 54.June Charlier 55.June Cheong 56.June Christopher 57.June Christy 58.June Claman 59.June Clark 60.June Clayworth 61.June Clyde 62.June Colbourne 63.June Collis 64.June Collyer 65.June Constable 66.June Cooper 67.June Cowell 68.June Creeghe 69.June Crowley 70.June Cuendet 71.June Cunningham 72.June D'Eon 73.June Dale 74.June Dawson 75.June Dayton 76.June De Lisle 77.June De Young 78.June Dinneen 79.June Doyle 80.June Duprez 81.June Ealey 82.June Earle 83.June Eckstine
84.June Eisner 85.June Eldridge 86.June C. Ellis (I) 87.June Ellis 88.June Elvidge 89.June Elvin
90.June Ericson 91.June Evans 92.June Evett 93.June Fairchild * (heavy petting) 94.June Faith
95.June Fenley 96.June Filmer 97.June Foray 98.June Forrester 99.June Francis 100.June Frazer 101.June Fremont 102.June Fujimoto 103.June Fuller 104.June Fulton 105.June Gable
106.June Gale 107.June Garba 108.June Gaver 109.June Gee 110.June Gilbert 111.June Gilmore 112.June Gittleson 113.June Gleason 114.June Glory 115.June Glucksman 116.June Graham 117.June Grey 118.June Gudnitz 119.June Harding 120.June Harris 121.June Harrison (I) 122.June Hart 123.June Haver 124.June Havoc 125.June Hedin 126.June Henry 127.June Hern 128.June Hildreth 129.June Hillman 130.June Holden 131.June Horn 132.June Horne
133.June Howard 134.June Hutchinson 135.June Hutton 136.June Jago 137.June Janin 138.June Jeffery 139.June Jocelyn 140.June Johnson 141.June Jones 142.June Judson
143.June (I) 144.June (II) 145.Katie June 146.Mildred June 147.Miss June 148.Sarah June
149.June Keith 150.June Kelly 151.June Kenny 152.June Kidd 153.June Kim (I) 154.June Y. Kim 155.June Kirby 156.June Knight 157.June LaVere * (just a makeout session) 158.June Lang 159.June Laverick 160.June Lebow 161.June Lee (I) 162.June Leslie 163.June Lewin 164.June Lewis (II) 165.June Lion 166.June Lockhart 167.Lizabeth Lockhart (aka june lockhart jr)
168.June Lomena 169.June Louise 170.June Love 171.June Kyoto Lu 172.June Lufboro
173.June MacCloy 174.June Mack 175.June Maforimbo 176.Peggy Maley (aka peggy june maley) 177.June Marko 178.June Marlow 179.June Marlowe (I) 180.June Marlowe (II) 181.June Marlowe (III) 182.June Martel 183.June Martin 184.June Mathews 185.June Mathis
186.June Maypo * (twice) 187.June McCall 188.June McGruder 189.Bonnie June McNamara
190.June Melby 191.June Millarde 192.June Mishi 193.June Mitchell 194.June Moon 195.Lori June Moore 196.June Murphy 197.June Nagy 198.June Nash 199.June Newbury 200.June Newton * (course, whose list isn’t she on?) 201.Jane Nigh (aka june nigh) 202.June O'Dea
203.June Oliver 204.June Ormond 205.June Page (I) 206.June Page (II) 207.June Palmer
208.June Parr 209.Julia Parton (aka june bauer) 210.Barbara June Patterson 211.June Paul
212.June Pentyliuk 213.June Pickerell 214.June Pointer 215.June Powell 216.June Preisser
217.June Prentis 218.June Preston 219.June Pritchard 220.June Prud'Homme 221.June Purcell 222.June Reynolds 223.June Richmond 224.June Riddols 225.June Ritchie 226.June Robbins
227.June Roberts (II) 228.Nancy June Robinson 229.June Rodgers 230.June Rodney 231.June Rollins 232.June Rowan 233.June Russell 234.June Salter 235.Karen June Sanchez
236.June Sanders 237.June Saruwatari 238.June Saunders 239.June Schafer 240.June Shane
241.June Shaw 242.June Shelley 243.June Sjostrom 244.June Sloane 245.June Smaney
246.June Smavey * (on the same day as June Smaney) 247.June Smith 248.June Squibb * (kinky as hell) 249.June Stein 250.June Storey 251.June Story 252.June Sylvaine 253.June Whitley Taylor 254.June Ellen Terry 255.June Terry 256.June Thompson 257.June Thorburn
258.June Thorne 259.June Tobin 260.June Tolley 261.June Townsend 262.June Travis
263.June Turner 264.June Tyson 265.June Valli 266.June Van Dyke 267.June Vega 268.June Vincent 269.June Vlasek 270.June Von Drueding 271.June Walker 272.June Wallack (I) 273.June Watson 274.June Watts 275.June Weaver 276.June Whipple 277.June Whitaker 278.June Whitfield 279.June Whitley 280.June B. Wilde * (she sure was wild) 281.June Wilkins
282.June Wilkinson 283.June Wood 284.June Wurster 285.Heather Young (II) (aka june meadows) 286.June von Bebenburg
Wow. I forgot just how popular The Showman was. Now, I know you’re probably thinking, "What about the rumors surrounding you and ex-Falcon coach June Jones?" Well, it ain’t true, baby!
Until tomorrow,
I’m winkin’ at ya, and thinkin’ of ya.
The Showman
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