Monday, September 27, 2004

She's better than you!

Next time you're stuck in traffic, you'll have yet another reason to wish you were Mischa Barton. Oh sure, she's stuck in traffic too, but she can stay busy by looking at the proofs from her latest photo shoot. You see, Mischa doesn't drive herself anywhere. Too common man for her.

"There's something about not being the quintessential Hollywood person who has to drive to every meeting themselves," "The O.C." star Mischa Barton says in next month's issue of Jane magazine. "You're in your own little area more. Somebody drives me to work - either my mom or an assistant. Or my boyfriend"

I'm really hoping Mischa starts getting uppity on the O.C. set this season, and Schwartz decides to just kill her off and be done with it. She can accidentally OD on Absolut and pills, then fall into the pool. Then we can see Benny Mac cry and look stage left, which he considers to be "acting." Then he'll get in a fight at the funeral, knocking over Marissa's casket. The Cohens will think that's the final, final, final straw and send him back to Chino for a week as a punishment. Then they'll realize Chino sucks and bring him back to Newport.


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